Cheers to the future!
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Wednesday, November 09, 2016
By Blackbird Imagery
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After 17 years with a corporate photography company, I have decided to leave, and go full time on my own business.

 My friend Warren and I started Blackbird Imagery years ago.  It was a side business that I hoped to grow to a full time business, but my corporate job made me feel limited on my time and energy towards it. I didn't think I would ever have the gall to finally say goodbye to my job.  It's a scary and exciting adventure to begin, but it was a much needed step to make for me and my family's well being and happiness.

My effort put into my business suffered for many years, because I was so bogged down with my job. It took too long to edit my photos, to return calls and emails, and grow my business. I appreciate all of my customers that have stuck with me through the years, and been so patient with my crazy schedule.  Thank you for your patience and referrals.  This is all changing NOW!

Being able to make this my full time "job" (more like passion) will make for positive changes for myself and Blackbird.  My turn around times on editing and responses will be prompt, and I'll be able to continue to grow and change with my photography.  How amazing is this?!  I'm so excited to be completely immersed in MY work, and continue to photograph your families. 

 It's important for photographers to have "me time" to photograph nature, people, cityscapes, or whatever that tickles their fancy at the time. It's such a source of inspiration, and a fuel for creativity.  I'm eager to get out and get the juices flowing.  It's been a long time coming.

I'm starting this blog to keep all of you informed about what's going with Blackbird, and chronicle my photography adventures. I think there are going to be some amazing new opportunities for me and my customers.  Cheers to the future!


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