Shoot the Moon
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Wednesday, November 16, 2016
By Blackbird Imagery
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Being a portrait photographer, sometimes I neglect the fact that there are other things to photograph beside people.  In fact, I rather enjoy photographing other genres, especially nature.  It's been a blessing to be able to pursue my photography on my own, and with it the opportunity to grow and express myself in ways I haven't in a very long time.  So when I heard the super moon was coming, I was very excited to be able to photograph it.

The super moon was Sunday Nov. 13 and I had a busy day of running around and then a shoot for a very sweet family. I didn't get home until after 7 PM, and on my way home I was gazing at the moon, thinking I should really get out and photograph it.  Lugging my equipment in the door and yawning, my husband says "you better get out and shoot the moon now". I was tired, and dinner was ready.  I really just wanted to plop down, eat, and enjoy the rest of my night with my family.

It was then, that it hit me, the next super moon won't be until November 25,  2034.  These are the moments I had been missing, and I really shouldn't pass them up. My husband said dinner would still be in the crock pot, and I should just go. So I did!  

Realizing I had never photographed the moon, I grabbed my tripod, and looked up some helpful tips. I had ideas of what would work best, because of my knowledge of general photography, but you would be surprised how difficult it is to get the image you are looking for.  A tripod for night photography and long exposures is a must.

The image I posted is one of my favorites, even though it is not what I envisioned. Practice makes perfect, right? I have many ( as many artists I'm sure do) "this is amazing, this is shit" reactions about their work. They flop back and forth, sometimes about the same piece.  It was a first, for this creature of habit. I can't wait to experiment again.  

Here's hoping this inspires you to "shoot the moon", and don't let life's little moments pass you by. 



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